Matrix Extrude Tutorial C4D

Written by me@grafxflow

18 Jan, 2007



Matrix Extrude in Cinema 4D

This is just a simple example, but it should teach you the basics of using Matrix Extrude in C4D, which is a fantastic feature of C4D.

Step 1.

Start by creating a new scene. Then add a Platonic object to the scene.

Matrix Extrude in Cinema 4D Tutorial - Picture 1

Step 2.

Now select the Platonic object and press the 'c' key, this will make it editable.

Matrix Extrude in Cinema 4D Tutorial - Picture 2

Step 3.

Then press the 'u' key which will show a drop down menu followed by the 's' key this will bring up the 'subdivide' window, press on 'ok'.

Matrix Extrude in Cinema 4D Tutorial - Picture 3

Step 4.

Now press the 'm' key which will show a drop down menu followed by the 'i' key this will give you the 'magnet' option. Now drag various points of the object.

Matrix Extrude in Cinema 4D Tutorial - Picture 4

Step 5.

Then press the 'u' key which will show a drop down menu followed by the 'x' key this will bring up the 'convert selection' window, make sure to highlight polygons on the right followed by 'convert'.

Matrix Extrude in Cinema 4D Tutorial - Picture 5

Step 6.

Then press the 'm' key which will show a drop down menu followed by the 'x' key this will bring up the 'matrix extrude' options, input any random numbers into the options tab followed by 'apply'.

Matrix Extrude in Cinema 4D Tutorial - Picture 6

You may want to place the object in a hypernurb to smooth the edges, but this will add to the render time depending on the power of your computer, or if you are lucky render farm!

Matrix Extrude in Cinema 4D Tutorial - Picture 7

Hope this helps you for learning the basic of Matrix Extrude.

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