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16 Jul, 2015


WP Comment Stats plugin

The WordPress / WP Comment Stats WordPress Plugin is based on the original plugin 'Comment Stats' found at


06 Aug, 2013


Navigation item stays highlighted when tag or category selected

I made a WordPress site using the e-shop plugin, here is how I made the parent menu item stay highlighted when its Shop Category or Shop Tag was selected.


11 Mar, 2013


Add Twitter Feed App to WordPress

Here we will setting up a Twitter App and outputting the JSON feed into WordPress using the plugin oAuth Twitter Feed for Developer.


17 Mar, 2008

3D Animation

Shadow Catcher plugin in Cinema 4D - Part 1

Learn how to use the Cinema 4D (C4D) Shadow Catcher plugin in order to render a transparent background with a shadow. It's also available to download FREE.

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29 Jan, 2007

Motion Graphics and Video

Chroma screen keying with Keylight in After Effects

Here is a tutorial covering the basics of chroma keying using keylight in After Effects 7. In my personal opinion Keylight is the very best you can use.

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