20 Sep, 2022
It's very annoying under macOS when creating a new repo we occasionally see the dreaded .DS_Store files appear. So here is how to remove those annoying Mac OS X .DS_Store files from a Git repository.
30 Sep, 2019
Initially I used LESS for most of my CSS pre-processing, but due to its lazy load structure I started using SCSS which in my opinion is a much more structured and functional compiler.
23 Apr, 2018
Most people using Bitbucket/Github will already know of the Markdown syntax when creating the repository file. Here is a syntax reference list.
03 May, 2017
Here is a nice little trick to stop Dreamweaver uploading the '.DS_Store' files and you having to delete them either on the live site or via the terminal.
30 Oct, 2016
Is Adobe Dreamweaver crashing on your Mac when you try and do a 'Find and Replace'. Well fingers crossed this little tip should solve the problem for you.
02 Aug, 2015
Whether you are a developer or a designer for the web, it's always nice to have a collection of icons to use plus ones that can implemented direct with CSS.
15 Apr, 2014
If you're looking for a free alternative font for Gotham then the Montserrat font is a very similar from my tests. Try it for yourself from the link.
06 Jan, 2014
Suddenly I had an issue with a popup appearing in a browser saying 'Scanstyles does nothing in Webkit/Firefox/Opera' when viewing my website. The fix.
15 Dec, 2013
With these file amends you can make Dreamweaver MAC open files with the extension (tpl) plus make them use the php code colouring settings for output.
24 Nov, 2013
I recently had a problem that I had to convert an stdClass() object into a JSON data using php. The reason being that jQuery could only read the JSON.
25 Jul, 2013
Recently I was trying to unset a cookie by resetting its expiry date back an hour. But for some reason it would not work. But this is the fix I used.
12 Apr, 2013
Tested a themes compatibility in WordPress and noticed a .DS_Store files warning, but I couldn't see them in DreamWeaver. Here is a simple solution.
11 Jul, 2023
21 Jun, 2023
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