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23 Sep, 2009

PHP and HTML and CSS

CSS the Basics

Thought I would put a few basics of CSS on the blog for beginners. Like CSS Positioning. and the like.


09 Jun, 2009

PHP and HTML and CSS

Detect radio buttons pressed in php

Here is one way of detecting a radio button has been pressed using php. So for this example we have three radio buttons on the form.


02 Oct, 2008

PHP and HTML and CSS

Embedding html in an email with php

Here is some basic code which will allows you to embed html inside an email, with the use of php. If can be added to a class function very easily.


06 Sep, 2008

PHP and HTML and CSS

Netscape has gone the way of explorer for the apple mac

I was just wondering if Netscape had been updated for Mac OS, only to find on their link that it's been ditched (around March 1st 2008) so whats happened.


29 Jul, 2008

PHP and HTML and CSS

MD5 encryption using php

If you are thinking about doing a login form that you want to make secure then you can encrypt the password using something called md5 encryption.

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