06 Jan, 2014
Suddenly I had an issue with a popup appearing in a browser saying 'Scanstyles does nothing in Webkit/Firefox/Opera' when viewing my website. The fix.
24 Nov, 2013
I recently had a problem that I had to convert an stdClass() object into a JSON data using php. The reason being that jQuery could only read the JSON.
03 Sep, 2013
WordPress was allowing empty searches to bring back results. Here is a revised version of a solution I found on the web. Hope it helps anyone.
07 Nov, 2012
Here is a basic example of passing form data to a PHP file via jQuery and then passing data back to jQuery from the PHP file via an ajax style script.
11 Sep, 2012
Joomla's plugin called Email Cloaking, replaces any email in content with javascript to stop spam. One problem is changing the hyperlinks colour.
01 Sep, 2012
Lets say you only wanted CSS or Javascript included on a specific WordPress page. You can by editing the header.php file, by page name or id. Heres how.
22 Nov, 2009
I had to create a custom website for a client recently who wanted to be able to edit the content on their pages and I found these WYSIWYG editors - perfect.
11 Jul, 2023
21 Jun, 2023
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