26 Apr, 2018
A tutorial showing how to create an Angular 5 and Laravel 5.6 via CRUD app from installing Node, NPM, and through to the final app.
24 Nov, 2013
I recently had a problem that I had to convert an stdClass() object into a JSON data using php. The reason being that jQuery could only read the JSON.
27 Jul, 2013
Sometimes when trying to pass characters in a CodeIgniter url it causes the error - 'The URI you submitted has disallowed characters.' Here is my fix.
25 Jul, 2013
Recently I was trying to unset a cookie by resetting its expiry date back an hour. But for some reason it would not work. But this is the fix I used.
18 Mar, 2013
Here is how to hide google analytics code on the 'footer.php' file in WordPress, so it stops appearing when previewing the posts and pages in admin.
18 Mar, 2013
If you want to add a widget to your WordPress theme header and in your admin (Appearance -> Widgets) then this is the php code to use.
06 Dec, 2012
Here is a nifty little script for disabling dates using jQuerys datepicker. Plus a script in php to output the date range.
28 Nov, 2012
This is a short snippet of php code if you want to use a CodeIgniter database query inside a helper file/function: application/helpers/. Very easy to use.
21 Nov, 2012
Are you wondering if it's a steep learning curve for CodeIgniter... I suspect It's probably very similar to what you already coding in php classes.
07 Nov, 2012
Here is a basic example of passing form data to a PHP file via jQuery and then passing data back to jQuery from the PHP file via an ajax style script.
12 Oct, 2012
A PHP script for a twitter RSS feed. It allow you to backup the RSS feed as an xml file on the server plus schedule backups and number of feeds to output.
27 Sep, 2012
The problem I had was to change the number of products on each row on the search results page from 4 to 3. I was also using version 1.4.x of OpenCart.
11 Jul, 2023
21 Jun, 2023
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