27 May, 2018
I never thought I would say this... but has WordPress had its day, or does it have a long term future without a major overhaul?
20 Sep, 2012
When doing a Joomla website you may notice by default it adds its own 'Joomla' meta name generator code in the html. Here is how to hide it with some code.
12 Sep, 2012
A menu option has several submenu options, but you don't want that menu option selectable or linkable, only the submenu options. This is how to do it.
11 Sep, 2012
Joomla's plugin called Email Cloaking, replaces any email in content with javascript to stop spam. One problem is changing the hyperlinks colour.
11 Sep, 2012
If creating an unpublished article in Joomla 1.6+ and you want to preview it in the template. But it doesn't offer this option. There is a way to.
10 Sep, 2012
There are times when in the Joomla admin, and within what seems a few minutes of no use, my sessions ends and I have to login again. But this works.
28 Aug, 2012
Here is how to insert php code and any other kind of code into a Joomla article directly.
20 Feb, 2010
I had to do a joomla website and used the 'JXTC Deluxe News Module'. But when selecting the images they didn't use the correct URL link.
11 Jul, 2023
21 Jun, 2023
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