11 Nov, 2018
When copying files from macOS to a windows formatted drive, other files with the same name but hidden starting with '._' suddenly appear. How to delete them?
11 Mar, 2013
Sometimes is handy to view those hidden files on your mac. The files that usually start with a '.' such as '.example_file_name'.
05 Mar, 2013
I recently had to upload a CSV file edited in excel to Wordpress eshop, but I kept getting back error messages. This is a very easy solution!
02 Sep, 2012
The problem I had using a Mac was for a long time there wasn't any easy way to create ogv videos... until now. Update there is now a FREE open-source app.
03 Nov, 2011
Ever had those we pages showing Apple Mac quick keys only to read 'option', 'command' key. Here is a quick reference.
02 Nov, 2011
Here is a nice list of shortcut keys for using in quicktime 7 and quicktime X on the apple mac. Also it compares differences between the two.
30 Oct, 2011
Here is the quick-tip (only works with Mac OS 10.4 +) to enable hidden disk image formats.
22 May, 2011
I had an problem with an external harddrive connected to my mac. Every time I opened a new folder on the harddrive it opened a separate new window.
03 Jan, 2010
Here is an overview of the evolution of Mac OS X operating system since its first release through to the present day. How time flies!
15 Sep, 2009
I had some trouble with my laptop harddrive recently breaking and was trying to transfer my mac mail accounts settings. Hope this helps.
05 Feb, 2009
If there is a Apple Mac that has Microsoft Messenger and the user account needs deleting and wiping. This is how to do it? Messenger now no longer exists.
06 Sep, 2008
I was just wondering if Netscape had been updated for Mac OS, only to find on their link that it's been ditched (around March 1st 2008) so whats happened.
11 Jul, 2023
21 Jun, 2023
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