21 Sep, 2012
Here are some Great FREE Final Cut plugins/filters. Too Much Too Soon Free Plugins, Stib's free plugins, Nattress Free Plugins, CGM Aged Film to name a few.
11 May, 2011
Adobe has updated CS5 to CS5.5. The main focus that the updates offer are for mobile applications, so how apple will react is anyones guess!
18 Jul, 2010
There are times when you are editing that you wish you had a diverse choice of footage. There are websites out there that do have free stock footage.
22 Jul, 2009
If you keep importing clips into Final Cut Pro 7 and try to add the SmoothCam video filter. But nothing happens. Try another video footage format.
10 Apr, 2009
How to add a label frame in After Effects? Like in Flash where you can give a frame a LABEL name. And then it gives a red flag icon.
26 Jan, 2009
I was handed an Illustrator file which used a font ending in ffil. My machine wouldn't install it and I had done some research on the web.
29 Jul, 2008
Ripomatics are the roughly the same as Animatics except you take images from magazines or other sources to create it, better for brainstorming.
02 Jul, 2008
Just a few website links for music/sound samples. Maybe of some use to someone.
06 May, 2008
If you have captured footage with really low audio levels. Then duplicate the audio levels over and over again which eventually works.
04 Apr, 2008
A great website for various logos. Loads of big brand names and best of all really good quality eps based files. A designers heaven... trust me!
02 Jan, 2008
Lets say there are 2 photoshop files, one as a background/not highlighted buttons and one as the highlighted buttons here is how to use them in DVD Studio,
21 Nov, 2007
When using images directly in the timeline in FInal Cut. They can end up by default looking interlaced. Well there are some options to get around this.
11 Jul, 2023
21 Jun, 2023
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