09 Aug, 2015
Here is a quick reference guide containing the default @media rules used by Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap2. Handy to know if customising things like font sizes.
11 Sep, 2012
I have always thought that using custom fonts via @font-face was only a CSS3, but actually it works in internet explorer 6 as well.
11 Sep, 2012
Joomla's plugin called Email Cloaking, replaces any email in content with javascript to stop spam. One problem is changing the hyperlinks colour.
05 Sep, 2012
This post is a little helper to get around the infamous CSS3 Internet Explorer issue (of which there are many) that covers the CSS3 border-radius.
02 Sep, 2012
You have placed some JQuery function in a WordPress post but it does nothing. Yet you know the code is correct. This is the way of getting it work.
04 May, 2011
I recently had a problem searching for values containing any uppercase characters in a MYSQL database. I had this little query but with no luck.
27 Mar, 2011
I did a php class to save down an excel file from a database. My client got back saying the file was the wrong format with no extension. Read the fix.
12 Mar, 2011
Here are some tips that can really be helpful for MYSQL queries for quick reference. Including Database control functions and the like.
01 Jan, 2011
Nice little trick for replacing the default error pages that can appear on your server. Just add this code to your .htaccess file.
20 Apr, 2010
There will be times when rendering in C4D, that your Macs monitor stays on for hours. And if try to put the screen to sleep it does nothing. Try this.
20 Mar, 2010
You may have an issue when trying deleting old messages going back a few years in your Apple Mail, but they don't disappear. Try these options.
12 Jan, 2010
Grab the object you want to duplicate and hold the ctrl key at the same time. The icon should change to a plus sign. Then you can place it anywhere.
11 Jul, 2023
21 Jun, 2023
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