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30 Dec, 2018

Mac OS X

Defective AMD GPU fix on Macbook Pro 2011

If you are suffering from the infamous AMD graphic card reboot issue with your later 2011 Macbook Pro laptop then I hope this fix works for you.


30 Oct, 2016

PHP and HTML and CSS

Find and replace crashes Dreamweaver CC on Mac

Is Adobe Dreamweaver crashing on your Mac when you try and do a 'Find and Replace'. Well fingers crossed this little tip should solve the problem for you.


23 Jan, 2014


Opencart Product Import/Export not appearing in menu fix

A client had purchased an OpenCart VQMod extension which did bulk product exports and imports. But it wasn't appearing in the admin menu. I fixed it.


06 Jan, 2014

PHP and HTML and CSS

Scanstyles does nothing in Webkit/Firefox/Opera - Fix

Suddenly I had an issue with a popup appearing in a browser saying 'Scanstyles does nothing in Webkit/Firefox/Opera' when viewing my website. The fix.


25 Jul, 2013

PHP and HTML and CSS

Reset cookies expiry date is not working in php

Recently I was trying to unset a cookie by resetting its expiry date back an hour. But for some reason it would not work. But this is the fix I used.


05 Mar, 2013


Import CSV into WP-eshop Magento error

I recently had to upload a CSV file edited in excel to Wordpress eshop, but I kept getting back error messages. This is a very easy solution!


10 Oct, 2012

PHP and HTML and CSS

Twitter RSS url feed can't be read... FIX

The problem which I had with my twitter RSS feed which suddenly stopped working. So after searching around on the web, here is the solution I found.


05 Sep, 2012

PHP and HTML and CSS

CSS3 border-radius fix for IE6 upwards

This post is a little helper to get around the infamous CSS3 Internet Explorer issue (of which there are many) that covers the CSS3 border-radius.

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