Written by me@grafxflow
10 Oct, 2012
Quick Note: (UPDATED 05 MARCH 2013) This RSS url will cease working in March 2013! So I suggest NOT using this RSS feed url. I am now using the Twitter API1.1 so therefore my old RSS feed was last working on the 01 March 2013. Read this new article about Adding a Twitter feed APP to WordPress.
The problem which I had with my twitter RSS feed was that it suddenly stopped working. So after searching around on the web... here is the solution I found.
If you have used:
You now need to use:
Or if you have a twitter name which has an underscore (_) use:
(Thanks to claneksi for this snippet of code)
See comments below for how to find your TWITTER_ID.
If you do have a php script (See this code) it would be best you backup the RSS feed to another file on your server based on a schedule, such as every 10 minutes. The reason being that twitter does limit the amount of times the RSS feed can be read per hour based on your website IP. If you don't twitter that often it might be worth setting the schedule to an hour.
30 Dec, 2018
30 Oct, 2016
I am a Full-stack Developer who also started delving into the world of UX/UI Design a few years back. I blog and tweet to hopefully share a little bit of knowledge that can help others around the web. Thanks for stopping by!
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24 Response
11 Oct 2012
Thanks, I used that for my RSS feed in thunderbird. I suppose when they finally make it go away, I'll have to do something else!
Marcelo Kallocsaih
11 Oct 2012
Thanks man, right on the spot!
Benjamin Hansen
11 Oct 2012
so lame that they are ditching rss i would never bother with twitter if it were for the feeds. thanks for the temp fix.
12 Oct 2012
Thanks a lot!
Also for those who prefer to use user id numbers instead of screen name can use this.
12 Oct 2012
Thanks for that. Another one to add to the list.
15 Oct 2012
Anyone figure out the URL for and RSS feed for Twitter lists?
15 Oct 2012
Does this work?
18 Oct 2012
thx. i found a answer!
18 Oct 2012
Thank you soooo much! My Twitter RSS feeds just stopped working and I couldn't figure out the solution.. until I found this page by googling. Cheers from Finland xxx
19 Oct 2012
Thanks, it works for now
22 Oct 2012
Thank you so much! It works fine again. I could not find this info on Twitter (last week)!
28 Oct 2012
Thanks so much. I can't get this to work for twitter usernames that use an underscore _, any thoughts?
29 Oct 2012
You could try using the other method, of the user id number.
Find the id with the following.
30 Oct 2012
That worked, thanks again.
30 Oct 2012
A big thanks!!!
20 Nov 2012
This fixed a broken bit of code on a client's site ---WTF did Twitter change this? How irritating - I'm lucky I even stumbled across the client's webpage, otherwise I wouldn't even have been aware of this issue.
Annette With Windward
08 Jan 2013
Thanks - working at this moment!
08 Jan 2013
Glad to help
31 Jan 2013
It doesn't work now.
31 Jan 2013
What is your twitter account name, does it have an underscore (_) in the name?
07 Mar 2013
Hi, can you share with us the correct format to use with the 1.1 api?
The only way I can stomach twitter is within my old, beloved snarfer rss reader. I hope there's a way to continue the twitter to rss conversion - thanks!
07 Mar 2013
The correct format is JSON, but it's not as straight forward as the RSS feed. You will need to login in as a twitter developer at dev.twitter.com and set-up an app which will involve telling twitter your website url and other things like (OAuth Settings) Consumer key, Consumer secret, Access token and Access token secret etc. See new post here - Add Twitter feed APP to Wordpress
Mr Japanese
10 Jul 2013
Twitter is effective to create a following. But it's hard to get people following. I think why many pages fail to take off is because the authors don't speak their audience's language.
22 Jul 2013
Yes is stopped working back in March 2013. If you are using WordPress then follow the solution here for API 1.1.