25 Nov, 2022
I have recently started watching the classic Rockford Files TV series and then I found out about the TV Movies that were made back in the 90's!
20 Sep, 2022
I remember watching this back in the 90's on Channel 4 on Sundays, and always finding it funny and enjoyable to watch, so I thought I would put together an episode guide with my own personal ratings.
15 Jul, 2021
I have recently started watching the classic Rockford Files TV series. So here is a list of the episodes and the characters with a picture from each episode for quick reference. It's still a great watch!
09 Jul, 2016
I have always liked the old Columbo TV series repeated most weekends. Here is a list of the episodes with a picture of the person Columbo has to catch out.
17 Sep, 2012
I must admit to becoming addicted to American Hotrod on the Quest channel. The daily, hourly conflicts. Here are the episodes and people from the TV show.
28 May, 2012
Jack Tramiel the founder of such classics as the Commodore 64 has sadly passed away on the 8th April 2012. How the Commodore 64 brings back great memories.
26 Oct, 2011
Sad day for many Apple followers. Steve Jobs one of the founders of Apple and longtime CEO has past away today at the age of 56.
30 Sep, 2009
Just heard a little bit of interesting news. Apparently for the first time the amount spent advertising on the internet has overtaken TV advertising.
04 Nov, 2008
I had searched for ages for a pdf manual for my SLR2 camera. Every place over the internet was charging money, but finally I found this website.
27 Jan, 2008
Just went into HMV and got the mighty boosh dvd set for £15. The second series has a pilot episode (Boosh Pilot bonus dvd) which is cheesy as hell.
11 Jul, 2023
21 Jun, 2023
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