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07 Apr, 2020

3D Animation

Shadow Catcher plugin in Cinema 4D Advanced Compositing - Part 2

Learn how to use Advanced Compositing with the Cinema 4D (C4D) Shadow Catcher plugin in order to separate objects and shadows.


20 Apr, 2010

3D Animation

Problem putting C4D to sleep

There will be times when rendering in C4D, that your Macs monitor stays on for hours. And if try to put the screen to sleep it does nothing. Try this.


12 Jan, 2010

3D Animation

Mirror an object but make as a separate object

You have an object that you want to dupe and mirror on the x axis. It's really easy to do… there is no need for the symmetry object!


12 Jan, 2010

3D Animation

Duplicate object in C4D

Grab the object you want to duplicate and hold the ctrl key at the same time. The icon should change to a plus sign. Then you can place it anywhere.


17 Mar, 2008

3D Animation

Shadow Catcher plugin in Cinema 4D - Part 1

Learn how to use the Cinema 4D (C4D) Shadow Catcher plugin in order to render a transparent background with a shadow. It's also available to download FREE.

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21 Dec, 2007

3D Animation

Mograph/Sound Effector in Cinema 4D

With this example you will create a mograph generated object which will react to music for its motion and movement. One of the great things about Cinema 4D.


17 Nov, 2007

3D Animation

3D hdri free image links

HDRI images creates realism when doing any render for both Reflections and Global Illumination. Here are some websites with free HDRI downloads.


06 Nov, 2007

3D Animation


I have always seen people using Maya, Max etc, rendering using VRAY. Recently I have seen some of the renders done using VRAY for Cinema 4D. WOW.


18 Sep, 2007

3D Animation

Objects polygon count in C4D

If for some reason you need to count the polygons on an object or scene in C4D, maybe related to creating 3D games.


06 Sep, 2007

3D Animation

Great site for 3D models

Just found this place for 3D models, textures and loads more.... and best of all it's FREE, FREE, FREE!!!


24 Jan, 2007

3D Animation

Nice free textures websites for C4D

Here are some nice websites with a variety of free textures, for the use in 3D packages. They are FREE to download and use for any of your renders.


18 Jan, 2007

3D Animation

Matrix Extrude in Cinema 4D

This is just a simple example, but it should teach you the basics of using Matrix Extrude in C4D, which is a fantastic feature of C4D.

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