C4d mograph sound effector

Written by me@grafxflow

21 Dec, 2007



Mograph/Sound Effector in Cinema 4D

With this example you will create a mograph generated object which will react to music for its motion and movement.

 Step 1.

Start by creating a new scene. Choose 'Project Settings'.

Mograph/Sound Effector in Cinema 4D Tutorial- Picture 1

 Step 2.

Set frame rate to 25 and Maximum to 2000 (depending on the length of the music/sound you are using this may differ).

Mograph/Sound Effector in Cinema 4D Tutorial - Picture 2

 Step 3.

Add a cube object.

Mograph/Sound Effector in Cinema 4D Tutorial - Picture 3

 Step 4.

Set its size to 10 for x, y and z.

Mograph/Sound Effector in Cinema 4D Tutorial - Picture 4

 Step 5.

Now create a mograph - cloner object.

Mograph/Sound Effector in Cinema 4D Tutorial - Picture 5

 Step 6.

Place the cube inside the cloner object.

Mograph/Sound Effector in Cinema 4D Tutorial Tutorial - Picture 6

 Step 7.

Select the Cloner object and change the following - Mode to Radial, Count to 40 and Radius to 50.

Mograph/Sound Effector in Cinema 4D Tutorial - Picture 7

 Step 8.

Now create a mograph - sound effector object.

Mograph/Sound Effector in Cinema 4D Tutorial - Picture 8

 Step 9.

Now select the cloner object and choose its effectors tab. Make sure it contains the sound effector inside... if not, drag the sound effector icon into the effector tab.

Mograph/Sound Effector in Cinema 4D Tutorial - Picture 9

 Step 10.

Now go back and select the sound effector. Choose the effector tab. First find and select the sound file you want to use via the Sound file option. (The sound file will have to be in either a aif or wav format).

Also further down where it says Apply Mode choose Step.

Mograph/Sound Effector in Cinema 4D Tutorial - Picture 10

 Step 11.

Move further down the effector tab options And change the Frequency Color to some form of gradient... here I have made it blue to white.

Mograph/Sound Effector in Cinema 4D Tutorial - Picture 11

 Step 12.

Now select the Parameter tab and change the following - Position Y to 50, Color Mode to On and Use Alpha/Strength to a tick.

Mograph/Sound Effector in Cinema 4D Tutorial - Picture 12

 Step 13.

At the bottom select the sound icon in order to hear the music while playing the animation.

Mograph/Sound Effector in Cinema 4D Tutorial - Picture 13

 Step 14.

Now when you play the animation, the object should animate to the music.

Mograph/Sound Effector in Cinema 4D Tutorial - Picture 14

This is just a simple example, try to play around with some of the other effectors and different objects.

Hope this helps!

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