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18 Mar, 2013

PHP and HTML and CSS

What is responsive CSS

Responsive CSS allows you to design a website which will change scale and layout depending on a users device (Computer, Mobile and Pad).


06 Mar, 2013

PHP and HTML and CSS

jQuery Can't find variable: $ error on iPad FIX

I had been testing a website on an iPad and started getting the error message 'Can't find variable: $'. It turned out to be a very simple solution.


06 Dec, 2012

PHP and HTML and CSS

jQuery datepicker disable dates

Here is a nifty little script for disabling dates using jQuerys datepicker. Plus a script in php to output the date range.


29 Nov, 2012

PHP and HTML and CSS

Fix html table width with CSS

Sometimes when outputting data in a table based layout you may find the size and width differ when going between pages depending on the content.


07 Nov, 2012

PHP and HTML and CSS

Passing data between jQuery and PHP

Here is a basic example of passing form data to a PHP file via jQuery and then passing data back to jQuery from the PHP file via an ajax style script.


06 Nov, 2012

PHP and HTML and CSS

Dreamweaver keyboard shortcuts

Here is a little list of handy keyboard shortcuts for using in Dreamweaver. They will help your workflow and will be extremely time saving.


16 Oct, 2012

PHP and HTML and CSS

How to remove blank lines in Dreamweaver

In Dreamweaver I had a CSS file with loads of blank lines of code, which needed to be deleted to make the file smaller. Here's a nice little tip.


12 Oct, 2012

PHP and HTML and CSS

What is the CSS word-wrap property used for?

A wonderful CSS property is word-wrap. You use it if a website has content such as long urls which overlap the page then this stops that default overlap.


12 Oct, 2012

PHP and HTML and CSS

PHP code for outputting twitter RSS feed

A PHP script for a twitter RSS feed. It allow you to backup the RSS feed as an xml file on the server plus schedule backups and number of feeds to output.


11 Oct, 2012

PHP and HTML and CSS

Is it the end of RSS feeds for the web?

We have all been using our RSS feeds to update our followers. But Facebook and Twitter have ditched RSS, which surely means others will follow.


11 Oct, 2012

PHP and HTML and CSS

Email template ul tags don't work in outlook FIX

Outlook has issues when using the ul tag with bullet points. They just don't appear! So the following in an html email template won't work in outlook.


10 Oct, 2012

PHP and HTML and CSS

Twitter RSS url feed can't be read... FIX

The problem which I had with my twitter RSS feed which suddenly stopped working. So after searching around on the web, here is the solution I found.

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