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Written by me@grafxflow

12 Jan, 2014



What are the different user roles and limitations

By default WordPress installs with five default user roles. Here is a quick summery:

  • Administrator - Has control over everything on the site
  • Editor - Has publishing permission and editing access over everyone's posts
  • Author - Has publishing access and can edit its own posts but doesn't have control over others' content
  • Contributor - Can submit posts but not publish them
  • Subscriber - Enables access to edit its user profile and the WordPress dashboard

So for example in WordPress an administrator has the control to change what other users have access to in the admin panel, whether it be just adding and deleting their own posts to deleting other users posts. Below is a more detailed breakdown of the different user roles and what they allow/limit the user accessing and changing.

Quick Note: The listing below is best viewed in landscape mode on a mobile due to the font size.

User Access Limitations






Activate or delete plugins

Add edit or delete users

Install or delete themes

Edit or change themes

Edit theme options

Update system and plugins

Customise the admin dashboard

Moderate comments

Moderate categories

Moderate tags

Edit or delete posts / pages

Upload media files

Publish personal posts

Delete any published personal posts

Edit or Delete personal posts

Read all published posts/pages

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Hull, United Kingdom

I am a Full-stack Developer who also started delving into the world of UX/UI Design a few years back. I blog and tweet to hopefully share a little bit of knowledge that can help others around the web. Thanks for stopping by!
