kernel_task is throttling the CPU

Written by me@grafxflow

15 Nov, 2020



Disable macOS 11 (Big Sur) 'kernel_task' which is throttling the CPU

WARNING ALERT: This ONLY relates to someone who has deleted the IOPlatformPluginFamily.kext in previous versions of macOS to sort the kernel_task overloading the CPU but now after installing macOS 11 (Big Sur) the problem has started again. You will be deleting a system extension and taking a risk... so you have been WARNED! + also best to use version 11.1 upwards, since when testing with 11.0.1 I found it very buggy!

So here is the problem...

After booting up the MacBook Pro the macOS would be running unbelievably slow. When opening the Activity Monitor to see what was happening with the CPU the thing at the top of the list was the kernel_task using around 500%!


In any of the previous versions - macOS 10.14 (Mojave) or below it was a fairly easy fix by first running recovery mode CMD + R and in the terminal.

csrutil disable

Then running single user mode CMD + S.

fsck -fy

mount -uw /

sudo mkdir /IOPlatformPluginFamily-backup-kexts/

sudo mv /System/Library/Extensions/IOPlatformPluginFamily.kext /IOPlatformPluginFamily-backup-kexts/

sudo rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions/IOPlatformPluginFamily.kext

But from macOS 10.15 (Catalina) onwards this has stopped working. The reason being that Apple introduced the read-only system volume which is a dedicated partition for only storing system content which prevents any tampering with system files which one of them is the troublesome IOPlatformPluginFamily.kext.

Now before finding the solution below which relates to macOS 11 (Big Sur) I had tried making a bootable USB running macOS 10.14 (Mojave) but this couldn't read the read-only system volume.

Step 1 - Disable FileVault

Go to System Preferences -> Security & Privacy and choose the FileVault tab. Then select Turn Off FileVault.

Step 2 - Bypassing the Signed System Volume (SSV*)

SSV helps prevent tampering with any Apple software that is part of the operating system. Additionally, it makes macOS Software Update more reliable and much safer. SSV utilizes APFS snapshots, so if an update cannot be performed, the old system version can be restored without reinstallation.

So this means that macOS Big Sur actually no longer boots from the live system volume but now boots from a snapshot/copy of the same system folder. Normally it's impossible to mount a snapshot as writable, only readable so here is the solution I have found.

So at first bootup in Recovery Mode using CMD + R. On the screen that loads go to the navigation and choose Utilities -> Terminal. Input the following.

NOTE: Without this being done first you won't have permissions to carry out the next csrutil authenticated-root disable command.

csrutil disable



Straight away bootup in Recovery Mode again using CMD + R and choose Utilities -> Terminal. Input the following.

csrutil authenticated-root disable



Step 3 - Mount the Live Volume and backup the IOPlatformPluginFamily.kext file

Now reboot back into the normal macOS boot mode and let us mount the live volume - the disk1s5 could be different.

NOTE: To find out if 'disks5' is correct for your machine enter diskutil list in the terminal which will list your drives.

diskutil mount disk1s5

Next make it writable which will require you to enter your password - the /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD\ 1 could be different.

sudo mount -uw /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD\ 1


Now let's first see that the offending IOPlatformPluginFamily.kext file exists by entering.

ls -a /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD\ 1/System/Library/Extensions/

Rather than deleting the file we will do a backup - so use the below and move it to a newly created folder.

sudo mkdir /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD\ 1/IOPlatformPluginFamily-backup-kexts/

sudo mv /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD\ 1/System/Library/Extensions/IOPlatformPluginFamily.kext /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD\ 1/IOPlatformPluginFamily-backup-kexts/

Again see if it has disappeared from the directory.

ls -a /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD\ 1/System/Library/Extensions/

Step 4 - Create snapshot and tag it for the next default reboot.

Now we have deleted the file we need to add this new version of the system folder as a snapshot so enter the following.

sudo /System/Library/Filesystems/apfs.fs/Contents/Resources/apfs_systemsnapshot -s "SnapshotName" -v /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD\ 1

Then tag this as a our default for the next reboot.

sudo /System/Library/Filesystems/apfs.fs/Contents/Resources/apfs_systemsnapshot -r "SnapshotName" -v /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD\ 1

Now fingers crossed you should be able to reboot and the kernel_task should no longer be hogging the CPU as before and in return slowing your machine down.

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78 Response

    16 Nov 2020

    You shouldn't do the `csrutil authenticated-root enable` again as it will re-enable the verification/tampering on the SSV. This will result it not booting from your new snapshot but using the old one.

    Correct me if I'm wrong though :)


    16 Nov 2020

    Thanks for the update John.

    I was unaware of this, but yes it seems to be the case.

    I have updated the content :)


    16 Nov 2020

    Thank you for the nice description. Unfortunately its not working for me. The Operation is not permitted.

    sudo mv /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD\ 1/System/Library/Extensions/IOPlatformPluginFamily.kext /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD\ 1/IOPlatformPluginFamily-backup-kexts/
    mv: rename /Volumes/Macintosh HD 1/System/Library/Extensions/IOPlatformPluginFamily.kext to /Volumes/Macintosh HD 1/IOPlatformPluginFamily-backup-kexts/IOPlatformPluginFamily.kext: Operation not permitted

    What have I done wrong?


    17 Nov 2020

    Hi Florian,

    Have you tried the?

    sudo mount -uw /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD\ 1

    If not try the Recovery Mode using CMD + R and input.

    csrutil disable


    18 Nov 2020

    There's one downside I'm experiencing, after disabling authenticated-root boot times of my macbook have increased with 5 minuntes.
    The loading bar crawls to the center as usual, stops for 4-5 minutes and then continues as usual. Once in macOS everything is fast and well, shutdown takes ages too.

    Anyone with similar problems?


    19 Nov 2020

    Hi John,

    Yes I am noticing this to. It seems to hold 50% on the loading bar for a few minutes when starting up. Plus the fans are on full blast. Maybe see what happens with the next macOS update.

    I also might need to look inside the laptop and see if cleaning it with some compressed air spray will sort the problem.



    19 Nov 2020

    Hi! I updated my macbook air and the kernel task is just taking up all the cpu. I tried to do this but filevault is preventing it. I tried disabling it but it just isnt decrypting. Any idea what I could do?

    19 Nov 2020

    Hi Vi,

    Try the following:

    Go to System Preferences -> Security & Privacy.

    Then select the FileVault tab and Turn Off FileVault.

    Then one thing that is missing from the tutorial (Need to update it)

    Bootup in Recovery Mode using CMD + R then enter

    'csrutil disable'


    Then start from 'Step 1 - Bypassing the Signed System Volume (SSV*)'


    20 Nov 2020

    Hi Paul, I have reinstalled Big Sur and redit my patch (new snapshot and all) and now the boottimes are back to normal.
    So if you're stuck at that, try recovery console - reinstall big sur et voilla :D


    20 Nov 2020

    Hi John,

    So just to confirm you suggest installing the macOS from Recovery Mode rather than the desktop?

    And do you mean a reinstall or fresh install wiping the hard drive?


    01 Dec 2020

    Have you figured out how to fix the boot time?


    01 Dec 2020

    Hi TheMalfunctioningSMC,

    Sadly not. I am beginning to think it maybe the actual macOS so will wait until there is an update.


    02 Dec 2020

    Hi grafxflow,

    I followed all of your steps and it went through perfectly fine. Thanks for saving the day! Btw did you try John's suggestion of reinstalling Big Sur and "patching" the kexts again? What if macOS 15.2 releases, is it advisable to upgrade or will it break our patch? Does Activity Monitor itself take a high CPU % when open? Do you suggest any fan RPM app? I want to set it at 3500RPM

    Sorry to bother you with so many questions. Thanks again!!


    02 Dec 2020

    Hi TheMalfunctioningSMC,

    1. I did try what John suggested but it still gave me the slow startup.

    2. From my experience it mainly relates to new versions of macOS where this needs to be done again.

    3. Activity Monitor itself should not cause any problems with the CPU usage.

    4. You can use a fan app but still keep an eye on the temperatures.


    08 Dec 2020

    Hi, congrats for your impirtant guide. I'm experiencing throttling eating all of my CPU and fans spinning at max rpm due to faulty flat cable from MoBo to trackpad. I want to temporarily disable it because i have to use the MBP for work. Cannot even mount "sudo mount -uw /Volumes/MBPTeo 1 cause after typing password is outputting: unknown special file or file system. I did all of the previous steps, i'm with big sur 11.0.1 mbp 15" mid 2015


    08 Dec 2020

    I solved by simply spacing .../MBPteo\ 1/... In this way. Now after having done as described in the guide (csrutil disable and csrutil root disable) still says "operation not permitted" trying now to perform those cmds again. I'll keep you up to date.


    08 Dec 2020

    Great TEO,

    I will update the tutorial if required :)


    08 Dec 2020

    Well. After struggling about three hours in the vane attempt of removing the damn IOPlatformPlugin....kext, it finally seem no longer to be in the Extensions folder. I list all of the Extensions folder content and no IOPlatform....kext is listed. As soon as the OS reboots after reboot (turn off, then tur on by pressing the button) the damn kext file is listed as no cancelings were made. What the?! I'm going to call it Bug Sur from now on.


    20 Dec 2020

    Hi, Thanks for your detailed solution. I currently run a 2013 MBP and have overheating issues. I recently upgrade to Big Sur. But I haven't deleted the IOPlatformPluginFamily.kext in previous versions of macOS. Do you have a solution/link where I cant start working from before I get to this part?


    20 Dec 2020

    Hi Anie,

    It maybe an option to look at some youtube videos on cleaning the inside of your laptop. Using something like compressed air to clean the filters might help.


    22 Dec 2020

    Well, I found the solution for disabling thermal throttling related cpu underclock.
    There is an IC near the SMC chip, which is responsabile of PROCHOT and THRMTRIP security temperature management. This is dangerous so make sure to properly manage the temperatures via Istats and mac fan control.


    24 Dec 2020

    Hello grafxflow,
    (Sorry, that's the only name I could find on the website :) )
    Just wanted to say a HUGE thank you for this article!
    I was struggling with lags ond freezes for the last several months, and despite of many trials and exhausting searches on the web. I'm so glad that you published this article, thank you so much!

    Merry Christmas, and the best wishes to you and your family!
    Happy Holidays!


    15 Jan 2021

    hi i am trying to do this task and every time i do the sudo mount part it tells me "unkown special file or file systems" and idk what that means? you said that the /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD\ 1 may be different? what does that mean?


    15 Jan 2021

    hi just recently posted, i got past the sudo mount part, but when i type in 1s -a......... it tells me that 1s isnt a found command? is it not 1s? need help.


    15 Jan 2021

    Hi I can't do it new systemsnapshot, Is writing

    open: Resource busy
    open failed on /dev/disk1s5

    please tell me more about the command for apfs_systemsnapshot


    17 Jan 2021

    Hey again, so a little update. I got it all to work, and i went to reset nvram and it all went to hell. I had to reset back to yosemite and spent a full day trying to reinstall big sur. But i finally got. It all loaded back up and am now trying this guide again, and it keeps telling me during the sudo mkdir part that the backup-kexts file is read only, and then the snapshot fails to create operation denied. I alrady did all the csrutil disable. Need help lol


    23 Jan 2021

    When I try to do step 4 it says
    sudo: /system/library/filesystems/apfs.fs/contents/resources/apfs_systemsnapshot: command not found


    23 Jan 2021

    Hi Ipunchcorndogs,

    I think there is a typo. Try the following instead.

    sudo /system/library/filesystems/apfs.fs/contents/resources/apfs_systemsnapshot


    27 Jan 2021

    Can i delete the snapshot after the booting?
    Because i don’t have so much space on my HD haha


    27 Jan 2021

    Hi Moe,

    Sadly not because it's the snapshot you will be booting from every time.


    31 Jan 2021

    I can’t deactivate FileVault :( I try everything.

    I unlock this thing and it’s Stil grey :/


    01 Feb 2021

    What is the best way to revert something like this?


    01 Feb 2021

    Hi Grisha,

    I think the easiest option is to go back to stage 2.

    csrutil authenticated-root enable


    11 Feb 2021

    Can this fix work for Catalina as well?


    11 Feb 2021

    Hi IPC,

    Yes the same should work for Catalina.


    14 Feb 2021

    Hi me@grafxflow,

    I have this problem on my MacBook Pro 16' after upgraded to Big Sur 11.2.1.

    But I have not deleted the IOPlatformPluginFamily.kext in previous versions of macOS. Would this method also available for me?


    14 Feb 2021

    Hi Voldemort,

    Yes I am using the same Big Sur 11.2.1. Even with every Big Sur update I have to still do this.

    I have never had to do this in the past but it all comes down to the new way the system folder is created in the newer MacOS's.


    14 Feb 2021

    Hi me@grafxflow,

    I'm going to try your method and would you tell me how to know which one I should mount if the disk1s5 and the /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD\ 1 is different from Step 3?



    14 Feb 2021

    Hi Voldemort,

    'disk1s5' may actually be the identifier/alias for '/Volumes/Macintosh\ HD\ 1'. So still use 'Volumes/Macintosh\ HD\ 1' but to find out - in the terminal enter the following.

    diskutil list

    Hope this helps. Also updated tutorial content.


    15 Feb 2021

    Hi me@grafxflow,

    I have done the steps but when "sudo mount -uw /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD\ 1" the output goes: unknown special file or file system. However the next stpes seems OK. I'm confused if I do the works well? Would you help me confirm it?

    Sorry for my many questions. Thanks for your help!


    15 Feb 2021

    One downside I'm experiencing is, CPU is on 800MHz almost all the time.

    Anyone with similar problem?


    Steven C
    13 Mar 2021


    I was able to compete the tutorial. My intent is to prevent the AppleIntelKBLGraphics.kext from loading which causing my screen flickering badly. Upon completed and restarted, how to confirm whether:

    1) Big Sur is loaded from the new snapshot instead?
    2) Sadly I can still see the AppleIntelKBLGraphics.kext being loaded from kextstat command. Strangely, it was removed from /System/Library/Extensions after reboot though.
    3) Any method to reset back to original snapshot?


    17 May 2021

    Thank you so much for this guide. I seem to be getting stuck where others got stuck but later said they figured it out but never posted what they figured out. I am stuck here…"sudo mount -uw /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD\ 1" the output goes: unknown special file or file system.

    I know I am sure you are tired of all the question but I would very much appreciate any help you could offer. Thanks!


    19 May 2021

    Hi ET,

    Try the step 3 with "diskutil mount disk1s1" the localisation of Macintosh HD is perhaps different.


    22 May 2021

    Thank you for the great post. Did you find a solution to the slow booting time? As you mentioned, it gets stuck for a few minute on around 50% and then boots.


    22 May 2021

    Hi Nina,

    Sadly not :(


    24 May 2021

    Thank you Coco and me@grafxflow for the help… I am way over my skis but any advice how to get past step 3 would be great. Diskutil list shows this… any personalized steps next would be so helpful… thanks!!! (Hit char limit will post below)


    24 May 2021

    /dev/disk0 (internal, physical):
    0: GUID_partition_scheme *500.3 GB disk0
    1: EFI ⁨EFI⁩ 209.7 MB disk0s1
    2: Apple_APFS ⁨Container disk1⁩ 500.1 GB disk0s2/dev/disk1 (synthesized):
    0: APFS Container Scheme - +500.1 GB disk1 Physical Store disk0s2


    24 May 2021

    1: APFS Volume ⁨HD - Data⁩ 152.9 GB disk1s1
    2: APFS Volume ⁨Preboot⁩ 282.2 MB disk1s2
    3: APFS Volume ⁨Recovery⁩ 622.1 MB disk1s3
    4: APFS Volume ⁨VM⁩ 1.1 GB disk1s4
    5: APFS Volume ⁨HD⁩ 15.3 GB disk1s5
    6: APFS Snapshot ⁨⁩ 15.3 GB disk1s5s1


    27 May 2021

    It worked for me :) but now booting/shutdown is taking too long, maybe 3 to 5 minutes. Any thoughts?


    27 May 2021

    Hi Et,

    Best to disconnect any external harddrives when doing this.


    27 May 2021

    Hi iom,

    I have looked at the startup in verbose mode and it seems to hang on the x86PlatFormPlugin which is what has been deleted. So I need to look into this in more detail.

    UPDATE: Sadly the best solution for me was to revert back to macOS Catalina


    05 Jun 2021

    iMac 2017 21 Big Sur 11.4
    > 6 months running older OS high CPU usage has slowed system performance. Full stripdown service, clean and reinstall latest OS
    yet the issue persists.

    temps within normal range 24º-35ºC
    Every time I try to boot into safe mode system hangs so I used a USB Boot for Mojave..
    into safe mode csrutil disable - works fine
    reboot into safe mode csrutil authenticated-root disable FAILS Every time invalid command "authenticated-root"

    suggestions please?


    05 Jun 2021

    Hi glx101,

    csrutil authenticated-root disable is only required for 'Big Sur', and should only work in 'Recovery Mode'

    I have gone back to using macOS Catalina.... which I know is a pain!


    07 Jun 2021

    Thanks for the replay and
    Ahhh ok so if I use a USB (mine wont boot into std recovery by itself) do I have to do anything else (different) to disable the csrauthenticated-root.

    I had wondered if that might be causing me issues.


    28 Jun 2021

    Finally figured out the right syntax to get by step 3 and it worked! Thanks very much for the tutorial!


    18 Jul 2021

    Hi. I did all of that, the Mac OS X does not want to start up. Just freezes on half the loading. I tried enabling the verbose loading mode which throws a bunch of errors stating "too many corpses are being created". After re-enabling authenticated-root through recovery, it boots up into the original snapshot and Mac OS boots back to normal. I repeated, the corpses issue again. Any ideas, I really need to kill that kernel_task crap.


    18 Jul 2021

    Hi Skarm,

    Just checking it is macOS 11 (Big Sur) you are running?

    To me it sounds more like a severe hardware problem.


    18 Jul 2021

    Yes. It is Big Sur. Mac works fine if I get back to the original snapshot by re-enabling the authenticated root. But if I repeat, I am unable to load into Mac OS.


    23 Jul 2021

    Thank you for the guide. It's working fine for me (except for the long boot-time).
    Could you be knowing what is causing all this in the first place?


    04 Aug 2021

    What's the fix for "unknown special file or file system" issue?


    06 Oct 2021

    Hello guys, Be careful and do not do a NVRAM/PRAM or a SMC resetting. I installed big sur nearly a month ago and did the things suggested from this post (I performed everything from recovery mode terminal, you just avoid writing in the beginning) and everything was fine.
    Yesterday I decided to reset NVRAM and SMC and I got a the computer started a rebooting loop.

    Now I reinstalled the macos and did this again and everything is fine.


    18 Oct 2021

    I was able to successfully made it through all the steps of the instruction. But booting now is exhausting with its 2-5 minutes. Before my system started within 20 seconds. Aaaaand when I enable csrutil and authenticated root I'm not able to boot anymore. A system error occurs and I'm only able to run the recovery mode. Does anyone know why? Without enabling csrutil and authenticated root I cannot enable FileVault again... That's bad!!!


    03 Nov 2021

    Please, correct the item sudo mount -uw /Volumes/Macintosh\HD\1. It is absolutely unclear that the backslash is escaping spaces. And that first you need to go to Volumes and find a folder similar to Yourmapname 1


    09 Feb 2022

    I have a wifi hardware problem in my iMac. And it was getting me kernel panics after every reboot. I was trying to disable the wifi kext in recovery mode, but the kext file was being created again after every reboot. I was almost giving up, then I’ve found your snapshot commands, which finally solved the problem and I was able to delete IO80211Family.kext permanently. No more kernel panics. Thanks a lot! You really helped me.


    07 Mar 2022


    when I try "sudo mount -uw /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD"
    mount: unknown special file or file system

    ls /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD
    result :
    Applications Volumes etc sbin
    Library bin home tmp
    System cores opt usr
    Users dev private var

    thank you!


    05 Apr 2022

    HI ET

    what is the right syntax to get by step 3.
    I am stuck on ,
    mount: unknown special file or file system /Voumes/MacOS


    05 Apr 2022

    Hi Zahid,

    I am guessing your volume name maybe different than the tutorial.


    22 Apr 2022

    My Library folder has no Extensions folder inside it, anyone have that issue?


    06 May 2022

    Does this work with macos monterey?


    22 Jun 2022

    Best manual for disabling annoying and buggy kernel_task. Thank you so much!


    09 Sep 2022

    Hello. I'm on Monterey, and I need to remove the IOPlatformPluginFamily.kext

    I have a few questions regaring step 3 .. .(and because of the 500 character limit, this comment comes in 3 parts)

    I followed your guide, and I got no errors. After the last command of step 3 - listing the kexts again - the IOPlatformPluginFamily.kext was indeed gone. Hooray!


    27 Oct 2022

    Hi. Did this successfully, but after reboot the external hard drives are no longer mounting. Any fix for this?


    16 Aug 2023

    Thanks a lot, mate. I followed your instructions and can confirm that this solution perfectly works with Monterey as well, unfortunately including the lag at startup and shutdown. But hey, why not make coffee or have a beer while waiting? Still better than substituting diskettes on System 7...


    27 Jan 2024

    how do i fix "failed to verify ARV status for /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD\ 1, bp_err 255


    29 Dec 2024

    I did everything. Kernel task has stopped working, but my MacBook works three times slower than normal. what can I do with this?


    13 Mar 2025

    I just follow your tutorial with Catalina 10.15.7 and Macbook Air 11" Early 2014
    I had to modify some of the commands to make this work
    yes the kernel_task isn't taking much cpu power now
    but the problem remain persist
    it's still slow (check with Intel Power Gadget)
    core max still at 0.9 GHz, avg at 0.8 GHz and min at 0.7 GHz
    the weird thing is core request (by the OS) can go up to 2.7 GHz (as it should be)
    but the core max only at 0.9 GHz
    any suggestion?


    15 Mar 2025

    This solution worked for me on Big Sur, but I just upgraded to Sequoia. The kernel task doesn't appear, but the symptoms this process generated do. How do I know if the same steps need to be followed on Sequoia? And if they will work?

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