5 Reasons why Online Coding Assessments are Pointless

Written by me@grafxflow

12 Jan, 2024



5 Reasons Why Online Coding Assessments May Be Considered Ineffective

1. It does not provide a true depiction of the programming experience as it exists in real-world applications

This is exceedingly clear. When did anyone last find it necessary to resolve a secondary school mathematics problem in a real-world professional context? This is what a majority of coding assessment platforms are asking candidates to do.

2. It does not examine the candidates' familiarity with the code quality environment

When addressing real-world programming, it is essential to recognize that success is not solely determined by whether the code operates correctly; rather, the quality of the code is of utmost importance. This includes conducting thorough testing and verifying that the tests are relevant and reflective of actual conditions. Such nuances are often overlooked in basic coding assessments. I have observed several ineffective test cases in my professional experience that do little more than comply with procedural requirements, leading to testing that is performed without genuine intent.

3. The available time does not allow for the proper articulation of logical thinking

Establishing time limits for candidates tends to drive them towards the most straightforward and rapid solutions, which is contrary to the objective of creating well-structured code. There are numerous future considerations to take into account when coding, which is why the four-eye principle is employed; it serves to decrease the risk of inadvertent mistakes that could result in substantial complications. Unless your organization’s applications are so poorly designed that they require constant emergency interventions, there should be no obligation to code under duress.

4. Programming concepts that are easily accessible via a quick internet search

I have encountered several platforms that primarily focus on basic programming theories. While these theories serve as valuable foundations, it is not essential to memorize the terminology to grasp their concepts. In reality, many of these theories are often overlooked during academic instruction; however, their significance becomes apparent through practical application gained from experience. Although one may not recall the specific names, the practical implementation is consistently adhered to. This raises the pertinent question: what prevents individuals from simply searching for answers online?

5. It fails to indicate the potential for learning

The significance of years of experience in assessing a developer's capabilities is often debated. For instance, the PHP knowledge I acquired during my early career has become largely outdated due to the rapid advancements in the field. When considering a developer who has remained with the same organization for an extended period, one must question the extent of their exposure to new methodologies and practices. I recall being asked in an interview about the innovations introduced in PHP 7, despite the fact that this version was released several years ago. Features such as lambdas are no longer novel; they have been integrated into various programming languages and have become fundamental to functional programming. Such inquiries reflect a lack of current knowledge on the part of the interviewer and raise concerns about the learning environment within the organization. This may explain the prevalence of outdated test cases and persistent poor programming practices that I often encounter in large, established companies. Competent developers are those who actively seek to learn and adapt to new concepts, deriving their own principles and methodologies from their experiences. This adaptability cannot be accurately assessed through conventional coding evaluations.

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