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20 Sep, 2022

PHP and HTML and CSS

Remove .DS_Store files from the repository

It's very annoying under macOS when creating a new repo we occasionally see the dreaded .DS_Store files appear. So here is how to remove those annoying Mac OS X .DS_Store files from a Git repository.


03 May, 2017

PHP and HTML and CSS

Ignore .DS_store files when uploading in Dreamweaver

Here is a nice little trick to stop Dreamweaver uploading the '.DS_Store' files and you having to delete them either on the live site or via the terminal.


12 Apr, 2013

PHP and HTML and CSS

Show hidden .DS_store files in Dreamweaver

Tested a themes compatibility in WordPress and noticed a .DS_Store files warning, but I couldn't see them in DreamWeaver. Here is a simple solution.

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