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01 Sep, 2012


Embed Javascript or CSS in specific pages in WordPress

Lets say you only wanted CSS or Javascript included on a specific WordPress page. You can by editing the header.php file, by page name or id. Heres how.


22 Apr, 2012

PHP and HTML and CSS

IE6 should it no longer be supported?

Anybody who has to work with websites whether developer, designer, Windows or Mac dreads the statement 'It has to be Internet Explorer 6 (IE6) compatible!'


25 Mar, 2010

PHP and HTML and CSS

HTML Special Characters and CSS content code

Here is a list of the more commonly used HTML Special Characters that are needed for content to be universally readable in all browsers. But there are many.


10 Feb, 2010

PHP and HTML and CSS

Spaces appearing between Div tags in IE6

You will have a template with a simple content, header, menu and footer div tags. In IE 6 you will be seeing some strange gaps between the div tags.


23 Sep, 2009

PHP and HTML and CSS

CSS the Basics

Thought I would put a few basics of CSS on the blog for beginners. Like CSS Positioning. and the like.

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