22 May, 2011
I had an problem with an external harddrive connected to my mac. Every time I opened a new folder on the harddrive it opened a separate new window.
20 Mar, 2010
You may have an issue when trying deleting old messages going back a few years in your Apple Mail, but they don't disappear. Try these options.
03 Jan, 2010
Here is an overview of the evolution of Mac OS X operating system since its first release through to the present day. How time flies!
15 Sep, 2009
I had some trouble with my laptop harddrive recently breaking and was trying to transfer my mac mail accounts settings. Hope this helps.
05 Feb, 2009
If there is a Apple Mac that has Microsoft Messenger and the user account needs deleting and wiping. This is how to do it? Messenger now no longer exists.
21 May, 2007
I have been doing screen-grabs using Apple + Shift + 3 (OR) 4 which saves a png to my desktop. But I ended up with a very cluttered desktop.
09 Apr, 2007
Ever had problems with your mac not starting or freezing? The following are some general helping solutions. Lets hope you will never need to use them.
29 Mar, 2007
By accident I deleted the Network icon from the window sidebar which contains shortcuts. I tried to drag it back onto the sidebar but it didn't work.
11 Jul, 2023
21 Jun, 2023
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