23 Jan, 2014
A client had purchased an OpenCart VQMod extension which did bulk product exports and imports. But it wasn't appearing in the admin menu. I fixed it.
12 Jan, 2014
As all WordPress administrators know the constant issues having to block spam comments can become irritating on a daily basis. So try editing the htaccess.
12 Jan, 2014
In WordPress an administrator has the control to change what other users have access to in the admin panel, here is a breakdown of the other user roles.
06 Jan, 2014
Suddenly I had an issue with a popup appearing in a browser saying 'Scanstyles does nothing in Webkit/Firefox/Opera' when viewing my website. The fix.
15 Dec, 2013
With these file amends you can make Dreamweaver MAC open files with the extension (tpl) plus make them use the php code colouring settings for output.
24 Nov, 2013
I recently had a problem that I had to convert an stdClass() object into a JSON data using php. The reason being that jQuery could only read the JSON.
03 Sep, 2013
WordPress was allowing empty searches to bring back results. Here is a revised version of a solution I found on the web. Hope it helps anyone.
06 Aug, 2013
I made a WordPress site using the e-shop plugin, here is how I made the parent menu item stay highlighted when its Shop Category or Shop Tag was selected.
27 Jul, 2013
Sometimes when trying to pass characters in a CodeIgniter url it causes the error - 'The URI you submitted has disallowed characters.' Here is my fix.
25 Jul, 2013
Recently I was trying to unset a cookie by resetting its expiry date back an hour. But for some reason it would not work. But this is the fix I used.
28 Apr, 2013
Here is how to change the number of products shown in the rows on both the categories pages and search categories pages in Magento.
17 Apr, 2013
Many WordPress Developers are aware of various blogs bringing up the subject of security issues with WordPress recently. So what's the solution?
11 Jul, 2023
21 Jun, 2023
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