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12 Oct, 2012

PHP and HTML and CSS

What is the CSS word-wrap property used for?

A wonderful CSS property is word-wrap. You use it if a website has content such as long urls which overlap the page then this stops that default overlap.


12 Oct, 2012

PHP and HTML and CSS

PHP code for outputting twitter RSS feed

A PHP script for a twitter RSS feed. It allow you to backup the RSS feed as an xml file on the server plus schedule backups and number of feeds to output.


11 Oct, 2012

PHP and HTML and CSS

Is it the end of RSS feeds for the web?

We have all been using our RSS feeds to update our followers. But Facebook and Twitter have ditched RSS, which surely means others will follow.


11 Oct, 2012

PHP and HTML and CSS

Email template ul tags don't work in outlook FIX

Outlook has issues when using the ul tag with bullet points. They just don't appear! So the following in an html email template won't work in outlook.


10 Oct, 2012

PHP and HTML and CSS

Twitter RSS url feed can't be read... FIX

The problem which I had with my twitter RSS feed which suddenly stopped working. So after searching around on the web, here is the solution I found.


04 Oct, 2012


Remove author info at bottom of blog posts

How you remove the authors information which appears at the end of each blog post. It's the box which contains the admin image and description etc.


01 Oct, 2012

PHP and HTML and CSS

Making CSS alpha opacity work in all browsers

Being able to use the CSS opacity and alpha is great on most modern browsers using, here is the best way to make it work for all of them and older browsers.


01 Oct, 2012

Website Server

301 Redirect urls using htaccess

Have you ever created a new website and needed to forward old url pages to their new urls, in order to update google and the other search engines.


27 Sep, 2012


Change number of products per row on search results page

The problem I had was to change the number of products on each row on the search results page from 4 to 3. I was also using version 1.4.x of OpenCart.


26 Sep, 2012

Game Reviews

Deus Ex 1 Original (Mac) Retrospective Review

At the time of writing this review the Deus Ex 1 game is an epic 12 years old. If you are willing to see beyond this it can be a very fulfilling game.


21 Sep, 2012

Motion Graphics and Video

FREE Final Cut plugins / filters

Here are some Great FREE Final Cut plugins/filters. Too Much Too Soon Free Plugins, Stib's free plugins, Nattress Free Plugins, CGM Aged Film to name a few.


20 Sep, 2012

Mac OS X

Apples new mapping system getting worldwide complaints

In June 2012 apple announced they would be ditching Google Maps in order to use their iOS 6 map system. But already there are worldwide complaints.

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