03 Nov, 2011
Ever had those we pages showing Apple Mac quick keys only to read 'option', 'command' key. Here is a quick reference.
02 Nov, 2011
Here is a nice list of shortcut keys for using in quicktime 7 and quicktime X on the apple mac. Also it compares differences between the two.
30 Oct, 2011
Here is the quick-tip (only works with Mac OS 10.4 +) to enable hidden disk image formats.
26 Oct, 2011
Sad day for many Apple followers. Steve Jobs one of the founders of Apple and longtime CEO has past away today at the age of 56.
22 May, 2011
I had an problem with an external harddrive connected to my mac. Every time I opened a new folder on the harddrive it opened a separate new window.
11 May, 2011
Adobe has updated CS5 to CS5.5. The main focus that the updates offer are for mobile applications, so how apple will react is anyones guess!
04 May, 2011
I recently had a problem searching for values containing any uppercase characters in a MYSQL database. I had this little query but with no luck.
27 Mar, 2011
I did a php class to save down an excel file from a database. My client got back saying the file was the wrong format with no extension. Read the fix.
12 Mar, 2011
Here are some tips that can really be helpful for MYSQL queries for quick reference. Including Database control functions and the like.
01 Jan, 2011
Nice little trick for replacing the default error pages that can appear on your server. Just add this code to your .htaccess file.
11 Aug, 2010
Just a nice little work around for ie6 and CSS integration and helps get around CSS validation. I have a button in png format but a gif for ie6.
18 Jul, 2010
There are times when you are editing that you wish you had a diverse choice of footage. There are websites out there that do have free stock footage.
11 Jul, 2023
21 Jun, 2023
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