15 Sep, 2009
I had some trouble with my laptop harddrive recently breaking and was trying to transfer my mac mail accounts settings. Hope this helps.
22 Jul, 2009
If you keep importing clips into Final Cut Pro 7 and try to add the SmoothCam video filter. But nothing happens. Try another video footage format.
05 Jul, 2009
I have been told about a website which has a nice little tool for helping in the creation of htaccess files. Very... very handy.
09 Jun, 2009
Here is one way of detecting a radio button has been pressed using php. So for this example we have three radio buttons on the form.
10 Apr, 2009
How to add a label frame in After Effects? Like in Flash where you can give a frame a LABEL name. And then it gives a red flag icon.
05 Feb, 2009
If there is a Apple Mac that has Microsoft Messenger and the user account needs deleting and wiping. This is how to do it? Messenger now no longer exists.
26 Jan, 2009
I was handed an Illustrator file which used a font ending in ffil. My machine wouldn't install it and I had done some research on the web.
04 Nov, 2008
I had searched for ages for a pdf manual for my SLR2 camera. Every place over the internet was charging money, but finally I found this website.
02 Oct, 2008
Here is some basic code which will allows you to embed html inside an email, with the use of php. If can be added to a class function very easily.
06 Sep, 2008
I was just wondering if Netscape had been updated for Mac OS, only to find on their link that it's been ditched (around March 1st 2008) so whats happened.
29 Jul, 2008
If you are thinking about doing a login form that you want to make secure then you can encrypt the password using something called md5 encryption.
29 Jul, 2008
Ripomatics are the roughly the same as Animatics except you take images from magazines or other sources to create it, better for brainstorming.
11 Jul, 2023
21 Jun, 2023
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