17 Nov, 2007
HDRI images creates realism when doing any render for both Reflections and Global Illumination. Here are some websites with free HDRI downloads.
06 Nov, 2007
I have always seen people using Maya, Max etc, rendering using VRAY. Recently I have seen some of the renders done using VRAY for Cinema 4D. WOW.
18 Sep, 2007
If for some reason you need to count the polygons on an object or scene in C4D, maybe related to creating 3D games.
06 Sep, 2007
Just found this place for 3D models, textures and loads more.... and best of all it's FREE, FREE, FREE!!!
19 Jun, 2007
If you are using Motion 2.0 and need to open a Motion 2.1 file. You will get a message telling you that it can't be opened. Here is a little tip.
08 Jun, 2007
If you keep trying to drag the Boris 3D Title onto the timeline from the viewer window. But it just moves the title in the viewer window.
21 May, 2007
I have been doing screen-grabs using Apple + Shift + 3 (OR) 4 which saves a png to my desktop. But I ended up with a very cluttered desktop.
09 Apr, 2007
Ever had problems with your mac not starting or freezing? The following are some general helping solutions. Lets hope you will never need to use them.
29 Mar, 2007
By accident I deleted the Network icon from the window sidebar which contains shortcuts. I tried to drag it back onto the sidebar but it didn't work.
23 Mar, 2007
You have just captured a whole tape non-stop. It is a long clip made up of several separate clips which you need to separate into individual shots.
23 Mar, 2007
If you want to jump forward and backward to the beginning or end of the timeline, or just the individual clip on the timeline. Here is how.
19 Mar, 2007
I've always had annoying problems rotating and straightening up images or scans in photoshop... either rotating too much or too little, but it can be easy.
11 Jul, 2023
21 Jun, 2023
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